LINK contributes expertise sharing, interdisciplinary approaches, and the interaction of research and evidence to support pedagogical innovation nationally and internationally.

National Collaboration
Learning Festival
LINK is a member of the program committee for the Learning Festival and actively contributes to developing a diverse and engaging conference program. The conference, held both digitally and physically in Trondheim each year, is aimed at everyone involved in higher education, from academic staff and educational leaders to students.
LINK contributes with expertise sharing and education quality through board positions in FUN - flexible education Norway.
National Research and Development Projects
Use of Digital Technology in Higher Education
NIFU, in collaboration with the University of Oslo and the University of Inland Norway, is carrying out a research project commissioned by the Directorate for Higher Education and Skills, Sikt and NOKUT. The main purpose of this research project is to generate more practice-oriented knowledge about digital technology in higher education, with a focus on teachers and students. This involves investigating the relationships between different digital practices, teachers' and students' knowledge work, and education quality. In addition, the project will contribute to experience sharing with a view to raising the pedagogical and didactic competence of employees.
LINK's employee at the Department of Pedagogy participates in the project as a researcher in the third part of the project, which is related to case studies from three universities: UiO, NTNU and UiT, and implementation of analyses at the subject and institution level.
International Collaboration
Circle U.
LINK contributes to quality development in learning and education internationally through work in Circle U.
Aktiviteter i 2024
LINK var bidragsyter til fire s?knader om seed funding fra Circle U, om temaer som kunstig intelligens, hybrid teaching og kompetanseutvikling. To av disse ble innvilget, nemlig kurstilbudet i universitetspedagogikk og utdanningsledelse, og prosjektet om hybrid teaching.
LINK bidro i arbeidet med utarbeiding av konseptet for CU.til-week, en uke i Louvain med workshops og aktiviteter for ansatte og studenter i Circle U. Under uken bidro vi med planlegging og gjennomf?ring av en hybrid training module i Learning Design Methodology. Design metodikken bygger p? arbeid i LINK rundt fasilitering av workshopserie rettet mot emneutvikling og l?ringsdesign.
International Research and Development Projects
The E-Pal Project (NORHEDII)
The E-Pal project is an initiative to strengthen digital learning and teaching in higher education in Palestine. LINK is collaborating with Palestine Polytechnic University and University College of Applied Sciences in Gaza to develop technological, pedagogical and organizational approaches to digital mediated teaching and learning. The project will also strengthen IT in education as a research field in Palestine.
The Staff development for learning and teaching at European universities (STAFF-DEV) project
With partners from the European University Association (EUA), the University of Cork, the University of Utrecht and Ruhr University Bochum, LINK is participating in a new international project that deals with capacity building in learning and education for academics at European universities. The STAFF-DEV project will analyze how capacity building and professional development are carried out at European higher education institutions, and contribute to strengthening the institutions' capacity and strategies in this area. By doing this, STAFF-DEV also has ambitions to contribute to policy formulation to reform academic development and careers in Europe. The project is led by the European University Association (EUA), runs for three years until 2027, and is funded by ERASMUS. LINK's center leader Nicoline Fr?lich is participating in the project.